PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) is an anti-HIV medication that keeps HIV-negative individuals from becoming infected. PrEP provides up to 99% reduction in HIV risk for individuals who take it as directed.
PrEP does not protect against STIs, like gonorrhea, Chlamydia, or syphilis, and does not prevent pregnancy. If condoms work for you and your partner, it's recommended as an additional prevention method.
Taking PrEP means taking a pill every single day, getting regularly tested for HIV and STIs, and going into your doctor’s office every 2–3 months to get your labs checked.
PrEP is not for everyone. Federal guidelines recommend that PrEP be considered for people who are HIV-negative and at very high risk for HIV infection. This includes anyone who is in an ongoing relationship with an HIV-positive partner. For more information call 800-872-2437.